Number problem. You work 7 hours (h) one day, 5 h the second day, and 6 h the

third day. How long did you work, as a fraction of a 24-h day?


reduce it. Both are multiples of six



To find the total hours worked as a fraction of a 24-hour day, we need to add up the number of hours worked over the three days and then divide it by 24.

Let's add the number of hours worked:
7h + 5h + 6h = 18 hours

Now, we divide the total hours worked by 24 to get the fraction:
18 / 24

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 6.

18 divided by 6 equals 3, and 24 divided by 6 equals 4. So, the simplified fraction is:

3 / 4

Therefore, you worked 3/4 of a 24-hour day.