If you earn the grades of 81, 84, 78, 80 in four tests what should your final test’s score be in order to have an average of 81%?

Need a total of 324 pts
Test grades so far 81,84,78,80 = 323
You need at least one more point in order to have an average of 81%

is this correct?

Assuming the final test has the same weight as the other four, then total points you need will be 500*0.81=405.

How many points do you need in the final test if the cumulative total is 323?

82 %

Yes, your solution is correct. To find the score needed on the final test to achieve an average of 81%, you first need to determine the total number of points needed for an average of 81%. Since the average is given as a percentage, you can multiply it by the total possible points, which in this case is 400. So, 0.81 (81%) multiplied by 400 equals 324.

Next, you need to calculate the total points earned so far by adding up the four test scores: 81 + 84 + 78 + 80 = 323.

To find the score needed on the final test, subtract the total points earned from the total points needed: 324 - 323 = 1.

Therefore, you need at least one additional point on the final test to achieve an average of 81%.