how do i write the inquality x is between -1 and 2.

-1 < x < 2

how do you write x is greater than or equal to 5

x ≥ 5

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To write the inequality "x is between -1 and 2," you need to use both the "greater than" and "less than" symbols. Here is how you can do it:

1. Start by writing "x" followed by the "greater than" symbol.
2. Write the lower limit, which is -1. So, you can write "-1" after the "greater than" symbol.
3. Use the "less than" symbol to indicate that x is also less than the upper limit, 2. So, write the "less than" symbol followed by the upper limit, 2.
4. Combine all the parts to form the inequality: -1 < x < 2.

Remember, this inequality indicates that x can take any value between -1 and 2, but not including -1 or 2.