If m<TWZ=2c+36,find c so that line TW is perpindicular to line WZ

That means <TWZ is PI/2 radians.

PI/2=2c+36 maybe you want to work it in degrees...

thank you

To find the value of c such that line TW is perpendicular to line WZ, we need to use the concept of slopes.

First, let's understand the relationship between perpendicular lines. When two lines are perpendicular to each other, the product of their slopes is -1.

For line TW, we know that m<TWZ = 2c + 36. To find the slope of TW, let's rearrange the equation in the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m is the slope.

m<TWZ = 2c + 36

Since TW is perpendicular to WZ, the slope of TW, which we'll call m<TW, will be the negative reciprocal of the slope of WZ (m<WZ).

So, we have:

m<TW * m<WZ = -1

To find m<WZ, we need to find the expression for the slope of line WZ. However, the equation m<TWZ = 2c + 36 does not provide enough information to directly find the slope of WZ.

Hence, we need more information or equations to find the value of c such that line TW is perpendicular to line WZ.