I posted the other night about a topic for my research paper. The event had to be between 1492-1865. I think that I might have come up with one. I was thinking about the Jacksonian Era? What would be some sub categories for this. I started researching already. Any ideas would be helpful.


Thank You Do u think it's a good topic that I will be able to get a lot of information on and end up finishing my paper with six pages doubled spaced?

You're welcome. I'm sure you can find enough information -- whole books have been written on this subject.

The Jacksonian Era, which spanned from 1828 to 1848, was a significant period in American history marked by the presidency of Andrew Jackson. To identify subcategories for your research paper on this topic, you should consider various aspects of the era that you find interesting. Here are some potential subcategories to explore:

1. Andrew Jackson's Presidency: Analyze Jackson's election, the impact of his populist policies, his approach to Indian removal, the Nullification Crisis, and his use of the veto power.

2. Political Reforms and Democratization: Explore the rise of the Democratic Party, the expansion of suffrage, the elimination of property qualifications for voting, and the shift toward universal white male suffrage.

3. Economic Policies: Examine the development of Jackson's economic vision, including the dismantling of the Bank of the United States, the impact of the Specie Circular, and the push for agricultural expansion.

4. Social Movements: Investigate the emergence of various social reform movements during this era, such as the abolitionist movement, women's rights, temperance, and utopian societies.

5. Westward Expansion: Focus on the expansion of American territory beyond the Mississippi River, the Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, and the concept of Manifest Destiny.

6. Impact of Industrialization: Study the early stages of industrialization in America during this era, including the growth of factories, changes in transportation, and the beginnings of the market economy.

Remember, these subcategories are just starting points, and you should choose those that align with your specific research interests within the Jacksonian Era. As you continue your research, you will likely uncover more specific topics and areas to explore.