just want to check my work on a few things....

1. Tile for a kitchen counter will cost $8 per square foot to install. If the counter measures 14 ft by 3 ft, what will the tile cost? Answer-336

2. Estimate the result in the following division problem. (Remember to round divisors to the nearest ten and dividends to the nearest hundred.) Answer-19

3. Evaluate 15 mi/h  4 h. Be sure to use the proper units. Answer 60mi

4. A computer can execute 64 instructions per microsecond. How many instructions can it execute in 10 minutes? Answer-38,400,000,000

5. Change 3 2/5 to an improper fraction

correct. On 2, I don't know problem.

1. To calculate the cost of the tile for the kitchen counter, you need to find the area of the counter first. The area of a rectangle is determined by multiplying the length and width. In this case, the length is 14 ft and the width is 3 ft.

Area = length × width
Area = 14 ft × 3 ft
Area = 42 square feet

Now that we have the area, we can multiply it by the cost per square foot to find the total cost of the tile.

Cost = Area × Cost per square foot
Cost = 42 square feet × $8 per square foot
Cost = $336

Therefore, the tile for the kitchen counter will cost $336.

2. To estimate the result in a division problem, you need to round the divisor (the number being divided) and the dividend (the number being divided into) to the nearest ten and hundred, respectively.

In this case, you haven't provided the specific division problem. Please provide the details of the division problem, and I can help you estimate the result.

3. To evaluate the expression 15 mi/h × 4 h, you need to multiply the speed (15 mi/h) by the time (4 hours). When multiplying units, it is important to include the proper units in the result.

Multiplying 15 mi/h by 4 h:

15 mi/h × 4 h = 60 mi

So, the expression 15 mi/h × 4 h evaluates to 60 mi.

4. To calculate the number of instructions a computer can execute in 10 minutes, you need to multiply the number of instructions executed per microsecond (64) by the number of microseconds in 10 minutes. There are 60 seconds in a minute, and 1 million microseconds in a second.

Number of instructions in 10 minutes:

64 instructions per microsecond × (10 minutes × 60 seconds/minute × 1 million microseconds/second)

Simplifying the units and performing the calculation:

64 instructions per microsecond × 10 minutes × 60 seconds/minute × 1 million microseconds/second
= 64 × 10 × 60 × 1 million
= 38,400,000,000

Therefore, the computer can execute 38,400,000,000 instructions in 10 minutes.

5. To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, you need to multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction and add the numerator. The result becomes the new numerator of the resulting improper fraction, and the denominator remains the same.

In this case, the mixed number is 3 2/5.

Converting 3 2/5 to an improper fraction:

3 × 5 + 2 = 15 + 2 = 17 (numerator)
5 (denominator)

Therefore, 3 2/5 can be written as 17/5 as an improper fraction.