
Evaporation is the process by which water is converted from its liquid form to its vapor form and thus transferred from land and water masses to the atmosphere. Evaporation from the oceans accounts for 80% of the water delivered as precipitation, with the balance occurring on land, inland waters and plant surfaces.

Or indeed for any liquid evaporation is the process by which a liquid is converted from its liquid state to its vapor state.

Evaporation is also the term that a physical chemist would use to describe the process of going directly from the solid state to the gaseous state.

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid, such as water, changes into a gas or vapor state. It occurs when the molecules of a liquid gain enough energy to escape from the liquid's surface and become airborne.

To understand evaporation, we can look at the concept of energy and the behavior of individual molecules. In any liquid, the molecules are in constant motion, moving at various speeds. Some molecules possess more energy than others due to their temperature, which is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

During evaporation, the high-energy molecules at the liquid's surface break free from the attractive forces of the surrounding liquid molecules. These molecules escape into the air, forming a gas or vapor. This process cools down the remaining liquid because the high-energy molecules are leaving, taking away their energy.

Evaporation is influenced by various factors:
1. Temperature: Higher temperatures generally increase the rate of evaporation since it provides more energy to the liquid molecules.
2. Surface area: Larger surface areas allow more molecules to be exposed to the air, facilitating faster evaporation.
3. Humidity: Evaporation is affected by the amount of moisture already present in the air. If the surrounding air is saturated with moisture (high humidity), the rate of evaporation will be slower.

To observe evaporation, you can conduct a simple experiment. Take a container of water and place it in a warm environment. Leave it uncovered, and over time, you will notice the water level decreasing as evaporation takes place. This experiment demonstrates the conversion of liquid water into water vapor through evaporation.

Understanding the scientific principles behind evaporation helps us comprehend natural phenomena like the water cycle, drying clothes, or the cooling effect of sweating on our bodies.