I need help whit the syllables.eyelid,slide,line,more,together.Ineed sort the words by the number of sylables.Please helpme to do that.

1 syllable:

slide, line, more

2 syllables:

3 syllables:

You can use the dictionary to help you on other words. For instance, notice how the word is divided:




Sure, I can help you sort those words by the number of syllables.

To figure out the number of syllables in a word, you can use a technique called syllable counting. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Start by pronouncing the word slowly.
2. Pay attention to the different vowel sounds in the word.
3. Count the number of vowel sounds or "beats" in the word.
4. Ignore silent letters (e.g., "e" at the end of a word) as they do not contribute to the syllable count.

Let's go through each word and count the syllables:

1. Eyelid: When we pronounce it slowly, we can hear two vowel sounds: "eye" and "lid." So, "eyelid" has two syllables.
2. Slide: Pronouncing it slowly, we hear one vowel sound, which is the "i" sound. This means "slide" has one syllable.
3. Line: When pronounced slowly, we hear one vowel sound, which is the "i" sound. Hence, "line" also has one syllable.
4. More: Pronouncing it slowly, we hear one vowel sound, which is the "o" sound. So, "more" has one syllable.
5. Together: If we pronounce it slowly, we can hear three vowel sounds: "to," "get," and "her." Therefore, "together" has three syllables.

Now that we know the number of syllables in each word, let's sort them:

1. Slide (1 syllable)
2. Line (1 syllable)
3. More (1 syllable)
4. Eyelid (2 syllables)
5. Together (3 syllables)

So, the sorted list would be: slide, line, more, eyelid, together.