What is the geographic location of ancient Carib? What was their method of substience? What did they make with arts and crafts? What were their religious beilefs? What were their customs? And what was their effect on European contact and culture?

You'll find all the answers to your questions in these sites.


To find information about the geographic location of ancient Carib, their method of subsistence, their arts and crafts, their religious beliefs, their customs, and their effect on European contact and culture, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "ancient Carib" in a reliable search engine or online encyclopedia. This will provide you with general information about the ancient Carib people.

2. Look for specific sources and scholarly articles that focus on ancient Carib culture and history. Websites like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic institutions' databases are good places to find relevant articles.

3. When researching the geographic location of ancient Carib, look for sources that discuss their specific region or island. The ancient Carib inhabited several islands in the Caribbean, including Dominica, Saint Vincent, and Grenada.

4. To understand their subsistence methods, search for information on their primary means of obtaining food, such as hunting, fishing, farming, or gathering. This will provide insights into their lifestyle and how they sustained themselves.

5. For information on their arts and crafts, search for sources that discuss ancient Carib pottery, weaving, basketry, or any other forms of artistic expression. This will give you an understanding of their artistic abilities and the types of objects they created.

6. To learn about the ancient Carib religious beliefs, search for sources that discuss their mythology, rituals, and spiritual practices. Investigate the role of shamans or priests in their society and the deities they worshipped.

7. When exploring their customs and social practices, search for sources that discuss their social structure, familial relationships, marriage customs, and traditions related to birth, death, and other significant life events. This will give you insights into their everyday customs and practices.

8. Finally, to understand the effect of European contact on the ancient Carib, search for sources that discuss the arrival of Europeans in the Caribbean and their interactions with the indigenous people. Look for information on colonization, conflicts, exchanges, and cultural transformations that occurred as a result.

By following these steps and examining reputable sources, you will be able to gather comprehensive information about the geographic location, subsistence methods, arts and crafts, religious beliefs, customs, and impact of ancient Carib on European contact and culture. Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their reliability and accuracy.