If <BFA=3r+12 and m<= -8+210, find m<AFE.

How do you work this out?

BFA and AFE are vertical meaning they are also supplementary (= to 180) so you you would set up an equation like 3r+12+-8r+210=180 then combine like terms you should get -5r+220=180 then subtract 220 from 180 leaving -5r=-42 then divide -5 from-42


Your posting does not make any sense to me.

To find the value of m<AFE, we need to gather more information about the angles mentioned in the question. Currently, we only have the information that <BFA = 3r + 12 and m <= -8 + 210, but we don't have any information about m<AFE or any relationship between these two angles.

To work this out, we need additional information, such as the measurements of other angles in the problem or any angle relationships given within a diagram or problem statement.

Without this additional information, it is not possible to determine the value of m<AFE. Please provide further details or any other relevant information that might be important to solving the problem.