what is the difference between doubles plus one and counting on?

"Doubles plus one" and "counting on" are two different strategies used in mathematics to help solve addition problems.

1. Doubles plus one: This strategy involves adding a number to its double and then adding one more. For example, to solve the addition problem 2 + 2 + 1, you would first calculate the double of 2 (which is 4) and then add one more, resulting in a final answer of 5. This strategy is often useful when the numbers involved are close together or when you already know the doubles of the numbers.

2. Counting on: This strategy involves starting with the first number and counting up from there. For example, to solve the addition problem 3 + 4, you would start with 3 and then count up 4 more, resulting in a final answer of 7. This strategy is helpful when the numbers involved are not close together and counting is easier than mentally calculating the sum.

To decide which strategy to use, consider the numbers being added and choose the strategy that feels most intuitive and efficient for you. Practice both strategies to become comfortable with them, and with time, you will instinctively know which strategy to employ based on the given problem.