Could you please check these thanks.

Directions: Write another word or expression for each phrase below.

1. un vol qui arrive de Paris.
Answer: Un vol en provenance de Paris.

2. un vol qui va à Paris.
Answer: Un vol à desination de Paris.

3. Un vol qui commence et finit dans le même pays.
Answer: Un vol intérieur

4. Un vol qui commence dans un pays et finit dans un autre pays
Answer: Un vol international.

Could you please check this also:
Directions: We are supposed to give our personal answers but I want to make sure I spelled and said everything right.

1. Tu prends souvent l'avion?
Answer: Je ne prends pas souvent l'avion.

2. Tu fais enregister tes bagages ou tu prends tout avec toi?
Answer: Je fais enregistrer mes bagages.

3. Tu préfères une place coté couloir.

Sorry for the last question it's

3. Tu préfères une place coté couloir ou coté fenêtre?

Je préfères une place coté couloir.

Please look one more time at #3:

Je préfères une place coté couloir.
That is Je préfère......

(the -s goes with tu)

Sra (aka Mme)

Answer: Tu préfères une place côté couloir.

And here's how to check your answers:

1. Un vol qui arrive de Paris.
To find another word or expression for this phrase, you can think of a phrase that means the same thing. In this case, "un vol en provenance de Paris" is the correct answer. You can verify this by checking a French-English dictionary or doing a search online to confirm the phrase is commonly used in French.

2. Un vol qui va à Paris.
Similarly, you can think of a phrase that means the same thing as "un vol qui va à Paris." The correct answer is "un vol à destination de Paris." Again, you can check the accuracy of this answer by using a dictionary or doing a search online.

3. Un vol qui commence et finit dans le même pays.
To find another word or expression for this phrase, you can think of a term that describes a flight starting and ending in the same country. The correct answer is "un vol intérieur." You can confirm this by checking reliable sources or consulting a French language resource.

4. Un vol qui commence dans un pays et finit dans un autre pays.
Lastly, you can find a word or expression for a flight that starts in one country and ends in another. The correct answer is "un vol international." You can verify this by consulting a reputable source or checking with a French speaker.

Remember, it's always a good idea to double-check your answers using reliable resources to ensure accuracy.