what are variable symbols

Variable symbols, also known as variable names, are used in computer programming to represent a storage location in memory that can store a value. They are user-defined names that have a specific meaning and purpose within a programming language.

Variable symbols can consist of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and certain special characters, such as underscore (_). However, they must follow certain rules:

1. Variable symbols cannot start with a digit.
2. They cannot contain spaces or special characters like punctuation marks, except for the underscore.
3. Variable symbols are case-sensitive, meaning "myVariable" and "myvariable" would be considered two different variables.

Here are a few examples of valid variable symbols:

- age
- firstName
- _myVar
- playerScore

To use variable symbols effectively, make them clear, descriptive, and meaningful to represent the data they will store. This helps with code readability and maintenance.