need to round 21,079,000 to nearest 100 thousand

if we have a number that is 21,079,000 and we need to round to the nearest 100,000 then we are looking at this part of the number 21,(079),000.

the 21 million has no effect on the rounding, so treat it as rounding 79,000 to the nearest 100,000. if the question was to round 21,979,000 to the nearest 100,000 then it would be 22,000,000.

tell me what you get :)

no it would be 21,100,000

sure would :)

sorry the answer to the original question is 21,100,000. the example i used would be 22,000,000 because this has been rounded to the nearest 100,000 but in doing so we have reached another million,

make sense?

if we have a number that is 21,079,000 and we need to round to the nearest 100,000 then we are looking at this part of the number 21,(079),000.

the 21 million has no effect on the rounding, so treat it as rounding 79,000 to the nearest 100,000. if the question was to round 21,979,000 to the nearest 100,000 then it would be 22,000,000.

tell me what you get :)

To round 21,079,000 to the nearest 100,000, you will need to determine the digit in the hundred thousand's place.

The hundred thousand's place is the fourth digit from the right, so you need to look at the digit in that position, which is "0" in this case.

To round to the nearest 100,000, follow these steps:
1. Look at the digit to the right of the hundred thousand's place, which is the ten thousand's place. In this case, it is "7".
2. If the digit in the ten thousand's place is less than 5, you will round down. If it is 5 or greater, you will round up.
3. Since the digit in the ten thousand's place is 7 and greater than 5, you will round up.

Round up means increasing the digit in the hundred thousand's place by 1. So, the rounded number would be 21,100,000.