edwardo owned 6/7 of a family business. He sold 1/5 of the business to his son. What portion of the business does he still own/

He owns 6/7(1-1/5) or 6/7 * 4/5 or 23/35


check my multlpications.

To determine the portion of the business Edwardo still owns after selling 1/5 to his son, we need to subtract the portion he sold from the portion he originally owned.

Edwardo initially owned 6/7 of the business, which is the same as (6/7) * 1 = 6/7.

He sold 1/5 of the business to his son, which is (1/5) * 1 = 1/5.

To find the portion he still owns, we subtract the portion sold from the portion he originally owned:

(6/7) - (1/5)

To subtract fractions with different denominators, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple (LCM) of 7 and 5 is 35.

Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 35:

(6/7) * (5/5) = 30/35
(1/5) * (7/7) = 7/35

Subtracting the fractions:

30/35 - 7/35 = (30 - 7) / 35 = 23/35

Therefore, Edwardo still owns 23/35 of the business.