How do you do a ball dichotomy?

I would split in in half with a sharp saw or knife.

I believe you may be referring to the process of "bisection" or "bisecting" a ball, rather than "dichotomy." Bisecting a ball involves cutting it in half to create two equal halves. Here's how you can do it:

1. Gather the necessary tools: You will need a sharp knife or a saw, appropriate safety gear (such as goggles and gloves), and a stable work surface.

2. Ensure safety: Before starting, make sure you are working in a well-ventilated area with enough space to maneuver. Wear safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself from potential injuries.

3. Secure the ball: Place the ball on a stable work surface, ensuring that it does not roll or move during the process. You can use clamps or any suitable method to keep it in place.

4. Make an initial incision: Decide where you want to bisect the ball and carefully make an initial incision using a sharp knife or a saw. Start with a shallow cut and slowly work your way through the surface of the ball.

5. Complete the cut: Once the initial incision is made, continue slicing through the ball. Apply steady and controlled force to ensure a clean and even cut. If you encounter any resistance, slow down and make sure you are applying the force appropriately.

6. Double-check and adjust: After completing the cut, examine the two halves of the ball to ensure they are approximately equal in size. If needed, make minor adjustments to achieve symmetry.

Remember, this process can be challenging and potentially dangerous. It is always advisable to seek guidance from a professional or someone experienced in working with such materials.