we read my sister's keeper and one of the questions from our study guide talks about Campbell's dog, Judge

in what ways do dogs introduce ideas about loyalty and instincts?

lol nobody has said anything in over 10 years

To analyze how dogs introduce ideas about loyalty and instincts in the novel "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, we can consider certain instances or passages involving Campbell's dog, Judge. By examining scenes involving Judge, we can gather insights into dogs' behavior and their representation of loyalty and instincts.

To do this, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read the relevant sections: Go through the novel and identify the passages that feature Judge, Campbell's dog. Make sure to pay attention to any instances where the themes of loyalty and instincts are explored.

2. Note the interactions: Take note of the different interactions that Judge has with the characters in the novel. Look for instances where Judge's loyalty or instincts are explicitly mentioned or implied.

3. Analyze the characters' perspectives: Consider the characters' perspectives and how they perceive Judge's loyalty and instincts. Pay attention to their thoughts, conversations, and actions related to the dog. This will help you understand how the author intended to portray these qualities in Judge.

4. Consider the context: Reflect on the broader context of the novel and the significance of loyalty and instincts within the story. Identify specific examples where dogs, like Judge, serve as symbols or representations of these themes.

5. Formulate your response: Based on your analysis of the novel and specific instances involving Judge, craft your response addressing the ways dogs introduce ideas about loyalty and instincts in "My Sister's Keeper."

Remember, by following these steps and thoroughly examining the text, you will be able to provide a well-supported answer to the study guide question in relation to dogs' portrayal of loyalty and instincts in the novel.