in my sister's keeper, the novel, how are jesse and brian alike? how do they understand each other better at the end of the story?

Have you read the book?"my+sister's+keeper"&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=lc-NBc34_6&sig=70K_NP0UPN730aE9jsZc_I6IWL4&hl=en&ei=6aKQSssUoom2B5CE_M4E&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=15#v=onepage&q=&f=false

yes i've read the book

some of my ideas are that they need to know they can command one uncontrollable thing, like brian said in the book
since they are always in the sidelines when it comes to taking care of kate's illness
but i need to expand it more and see if there are anymore traits they share

To understand how Jesse and Brian are alike in the novel "My Sister's Keeper" and how they come to understand each other better by the end of the story, we first need to have a general understanding of their characters and the overall plot.

"My Sister's Keeper" is a novel by Jodi Picoult that explores ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding a family's decision to create a genetically matched child, Anna, to help her older sister, Kate, who has leukemia. Jesse is Anna and Kate's older brother, while Brian is their father. Both characters play important roles in the narrative.

Jesse and Brian share several similarities throughout the novel. Here's how they are alike:

1. Rebellion: Both Jesse and Brian exhibit rebellious behavior, although in different ways. Jesse is portrayed as a troubled teenager who acts out by engaging in destructive activities, such as vandalism and using drugs. Brian, on the other hand, rebels against the conventional expectations of being a husband and father by having an affair, neglecting his family, and becoming emotionally distant.

2. Guilt: Both characters carry a considerable amount of guilt. Jesse blames himself for his sister Kate's illness, believing that he somehow caused or contributed to it. This guilt manifests in his self-destructive behavior. Brian, meanwhile, carries guilt for his role in creating Anna specifically to be Kate's donor, questioning his decision and the strain it has placed on his family.

As the story progresses, Jesse and Brian start to understand each other better, leading to their growth and development in their relationship. Here are a few key moments that contribute to their increased understanding:

1. Communication: Jesse and Brian begin to open up and share their thoughts and emotions with each other. This communication allows them to discover their shared guilt and helps them realize that they both feel responsible for the family's struggles.

2. Shared Experiences: Jesse and Brian go through several pivotal events together, such as Kate's deteriorating health and Anna's decision to sue her parents for medical emancipation. These shared experiences help them empathize with each other's perspectives and understand the weight of their respective burdens.

3. Reflection: Both Jesse and Brian individually reflect upon their actions and their impact on their family. They begin to acknowledge their mistakes and understand the importance of being there for each other and supporting their loved ones.

Through these developments, Jesse and Brian gain empathy and insight into each other's motivations and struggles. Their increased understanding of one another is a vital aspect of their personal growth and the overall narrative of "My Sister's Keeper."