in the book a lesson before dying how does gains use biblical allusion to develope jeffersons character

Be sure to read the Themes... section and the Analysis of Major Characters.

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of course u would beat me to it

To analyze how Gaines uses biblical allusion to develop Jefferson's character in the book "A Lesson Before Dying," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: Start by reading "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines. This will help you understand the context and storyline of the novel.

2. Identify biblical allusions: Look for instances where Gaines alludes to the Bible or biblical stories throughout the book. Pay attention to characters, events, or language that parallel or reference biblical narratives.

3. Understand Jefferson's character: Analyze Jefferson's character through his actions, thoughts, and interactions with other characters. Consider his initial state of mind and how it evolves over the course of the story.

4. Examine biblical parallels: Once you've identified the biblical allusions, analyze how they are connected to Jefferson's character development. Look for similarities or contrasts between Jefferson and the biblical figures or stories referenced.

5. Character transformation: Pay attention to how Jefferson's attitude, perception, or behavior changes as a result of these biblical allusions. How does Gaines use these references to shape Jefferson's growth and development?

6. Analyze symbolism: Consider the symbolic meanings behind the biblical allusions. Are they used to depict Jefferson's redemption, guilt, innocence, or other aspects of his character? Explore the deeper layers of meaning behind these references.

7. Gather evidence: Collect specific examples and quotes from the book that showcase the biblical allusions and their impact on Jefferson's character. Use these textual references to support your analysis.

8. Craft your analysis: Organize your findings and thoughts into a coherent analysis of how Gaines uses biblical allusions to develop Jefferson's character. Explain the connections and effects of these allusions on his journey.

Remember, this process requires careful reading, critical thinking, and drawing connections between the text and biblical references. Taking notes as you read can help you keep track of important details and ideas.