One more question... how many subsets does a null set have?

The null set contains no members, so how can it have subsets?

A null set, also known as an empty set, is a set that does not contain any elements. When considering subsets, it is important to understand that a subset is defined as a set that contains elements from a given set.

In the case of a null set, since it does not have any elements, there are no subsets that can be formed from it. Thus, the number of subsets that a null set has is zero.

To arrive at this conclusion, you can use the concept of power sets. The power set of a set is the set of all possible subsets. For a set with n elements, the power set contains 2^n subsets. However, since the null set has 0 elements, applying this formula would yield 2^0, which simplifies to 1.

Therefore, the power set of a null set consists only of the null set itself, and it does not contain any other subsets. So, the null set has one subset, which is the null set.