write 50% in a fraction

Percent means "out of 100" so 50% is 50/100.

Then you will need to reduce that fraction. Think for a minute. There are 100 pennies in a dollar... and 50 of those pennies is what fraction of that dollar.

50 percent is 50/10. Which can simplify to 1/2

To write 50% as a fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Remember that percentages are ratios out of 100. So, the percentage symbol (%) means "per 100".

Step 2: Take the given percentage, 50%, and write it as a fraction with a denominator of 100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.

Applying these steps, let's write 50% as a fraction:

Step 1: The percentage symbol (%) means "per 100".

Step 2: So, to write 50% as a fraction, we have 50/100.

Step 3: Simplifying the fraction, we get 1/2.

Therefore, 50% can be written as a fraction as 1/2.