I am writing a book report and I wanted to know if anyone could help me start. Just some nice topic sentences would be good. If this helps, the book I read was "Honus and Me" by Dan Gutman.

Introductory sentence:

The book "Honus and Me" struck me as...... and you fill it in.

It's supposed to be a summary, but that is a good sentence for my recommendation :) Thanks

Of course, I can help you with topic sentences for your book report on "Honus and Me" by Dan Gutman. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. "In Dan Gutman's novel, 'Honus and Me,' a young baseball fan's discovery of a magical baseball card sets off a chain of extraordinary events."
To write this topic sentence, you can highlight the main premise of the book, which revolves around the protagonist finding a magical Honus Wagner baseball card.

2. "The theme of nostalgia and the love for baseball is expertly woven throughout 'Honus and Me,' capturing the essence of a different era and its impact on the main character's life."
With this topic sentence, you can focus on the themes of childhood, baseball, and the sentimental value of collectibles portrayed in the book.

3. "Through believable dialogue and vivid descriptions, 'Honus and Me' brings to life the excitement and challenges of time travel, as the protagonist navigates his way through early 1900s baseball history."
This topic sentence emphasizes the book's incorporation of time travel and the author's ability to create a realistic experience for the reader.

Remember, topic sentences should provide a clear preview of what each paragraph in your book report will discuss. You can expand on these topic sentences by providing supporting evidence, examples, and analysis from the book to substantiate your claims.