I have three math problems that I have tried to solve but I do not think they are correct. Can someone please help me!

1. What is the product of 225 and 507?
I came up with 225 x 507 = 114075

2. Divide by moving the decimal point.
10.5 ÷ 100
I came up with 0.105 to be the answer or 9.52

3. Complete the following statement.

360 seconds = _______Minutes

I came up with 60 x 360 = 21600 minutes

Are the answers I came up with correct? Pleae help me, I need this by 12 PM tonight.

Thank You Godschild

Your first answer is correct.

The second answer is 0.105.

Your third answer is way off. Think about it. How can 360 seconds be 21,600 minutes?

60 seconds = 1 minute
120 seconds = 2 minutes

Thank you Ms. Sue your response really did help me. Have a good night.


You're very welcome.

Let's go through each problem and check your answers:

1. To find the product of two numbers, you simply multiply them together. So, for the first problem:
225 x 507 = 114,375

So your answer of 114,075 is incorrect. The correct answer is 114,375.

2. To divide by moving the decimal point, you need to shift the decimal point in both the dividend and divisor. You move it to the left in both numbers until the divisor is a whole number.

10.5 ÷ 100

In this case, you can move the decimal point in 10.5 one place to the left since there is one zero in the divisor.

So, 10.5 ÷ 100 = 0.105

Your answer of 0.105 is correct. However, you also mentioned 9.52 as a possible answer, which seems to be an error. The correct answer is 0.105.

3. To convert seconds to minutes, you need to divide the number of seconds by 60 since there are 60 seconds in a minute.

360 seconds ÷ 60 = 6 minutes

So your answer of 21,600 minutes is incorrect. The correct answer is 6 minutes.

In summary:
1. The correct product of 225 and 507 is 114,375.
2. The correct answer for 10.5 ÷ 100 is 0.105.
3. The correct conversion from 360 seconds to minutes is 6 minutes.

If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!