what 5 letter word can you add to the begginning or end of the words below to make a familiar word or phrase?

white, dish, proof wings, hole ,salt

To solve this problem, we need to find a 5-letter word that can be added to the beginning or end of the given words to form familiar words or phrases. Let's analyze each word:

1. White: By adding the 5-letter word "out" to the beginning or end, we get "without" or "outwhite."
2. Dish: If we add the 5-letter word "esque" to the end of "dish," it becomes "dishesque."
3. Proof: By adding the 5-letter word "match" to the beginning or end, we can form "matchproof" or "proofmatch."
4. Wings: Adding the 5-letter word "angle" to either end results in "anglewings" or "wingsangle."
5. Hole: If we add the 5-letter word "black" to the beginning or end, we obtain "blackhole" or "holeblack."
6. Salt: By adding the 5-letter word "table" to the beginning or end, we get "tablesalt" or "salttable."

Therefore, the possible 5-letter word that can be added to the beginning or end is "out," "esque," "match," "angle," "black," or "table."
