Write one or two paragraphs in which you address the following points regarding your final project:What kinds of unwanted reactions might you encounter when trying to convince the business committee to accept your proposal for a new service? What steps can you take to ensure you convey the purpose of your message to the audience?

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When trying to convince a business committee to accept a proposal for a new service, there are several unwanted reactions that one might encounter. One of the most common is skepticism, where committee members may doubt the viability or value of the proposed service. This skepticism can stem from concerns about the financial return on investment, potential disruption to existing operations, or skepticism about the benefits the proposed service will bring. Another unwanted reaction may be resistance to change, especially if the proposed service requires significant shifts in the organization's processes or resources. Some committee members may be resistant to change due to fear of the unknown, inertia, or a preference for the status quo.

To ensure the purpose of your message is effectively conveyed to the audience, there are several steps you can take. First, thoroughly understand your proposal and its potential impact on the organization. Be prepared to address any concerns or objections the committee may raise and provide evidence-based arguments to support your claims. Second, tailor your message to the needs and priorities of the specific audience. Understand the interests and motivations of the committee members and frame your message in a way that resonates with them. Third, use clear and concise language that is easy for the audience to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate committee members. Finally, utilize visual aids such as graphs, charts, or prototypes to help illustrate the benefits or feasibility of the proposed service. Visual aids can make your message more compelling and memorable.