whats a site that i can get articles about prehistoric humans?


is there any other website?

There are dozens of articles linked in that site. Scroll down to find them.

oh thank you that helped alot!

You're welcome.

To find articles about prehistoric humans, you can try using academic databases, online archives, and reputable websites related to archaeology and anthropology. Here are a few suggestions:

1. JSTOR (www.jstor.org): JSTOR is a digital library that contains a wide range of academic publications, including articles on prehistoric humans. Many universities provide access to JSTOR for their students, but you can also access some articles for free with a free individual account.

2. Google Scholar (scholar.google.com): Google Scholar is a search engine that focuses specifically on scholarly literature. It provides access to academic articles, conference papers, theses, and more. Enter your keywords, such as "prehistoric humans," and explore the results.

3. National Geographic (www.nationalgeographic.com): National Geographic is known for its coverage of various topics, including prehistoric human history. Their website has articles, videos, and interactive features that provide insights into the lives of ancient humans.

4. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (naturalhistory.si.edu): The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History website offers online resources about human origins and prehistoric archaeology. You can find articles, virtual exhibits, and educational materials related to prehistoric humans.

5. Archaeology Magazine (www.archaeology.org): Archaeology Magazine covers a wide range of archaeological topics, including prehistoric humans. They offer articles, news, and features on the latest discoveries and research in the field.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and prioritize reputable sources. Additionally, consider accessing scholarly articles through your local library, as many offer free access to academic databases for their patrons.