A school had 900 students at the start of a school year. If there is

an enrollment increase of 7% by the beginning of the next year, what is the new enrollment?

900 * 1.07 = ?


To find the new enrollment, we need to calculate the increase in enrollment and add it to the initial enrollment.

Step 1: Calculate the increase in enrollment.
Increase = 7% of 900
Increase = 0.07 x 900

Step 2: Calculate the new enrollment.
New Enrollment = Initial Enrollment + Increase
New Enrollment = 900 + (0.07 x 900)

Now let's calculate it:

New Enrollment = 900 + (0.07 x 900)
New Enrollment = 900 + 63
New Enrollment = 963

Therefore, the new enrollment at the beginning of the next year is 963 students.

To find the new enrollment, we need to calculate 7% of the current enrollment and add it to the current enrollment.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the current enrollment: 900 students.
2. Calculate the increase by multiplying the current enrollment by the percentage increase: 900 * 7% = 900 * 0.07 = 63 students.
3. Add the increase to the current enrollment to find the new enrollment: 900 + 63 = 963 students.

Therefore, the new enrollment at the beginning of the next year will be 963 students.