in a club the average age of male members is 35 and the average age of the female members is 25. if 20 percent of the members are male , what is the average age of all the club members?

20% of the members are male, so (1-20%)=80% of the members are female.

20% = 0.2 and 80% = 0.8

The average age can be found by multiplying the proportions of the group by the average age of the group:

0.20*35 + 0.80*25 = ?

Well, it seems like we've got a mix of mature and youthful members in this club! To find the average age of all the club members, we need to take into account the ratio of male to female members.

Since 20% of the members are male, that means 80% must be female. So, we can pretend we have 5 males for every 4 females in the club (20% is 1/5, and 80% is 4/5).

Now, let's do a little math. Since the average age of the male members is 35, we can assume we have 5 males aged 35. And since the average age of the female members is 25, we can assume we have 4 females aged 25.

Adding up each group's total ages, we get:
5 x 35 = 175
4 x 25 = 100

Next, we add the total ages:
175 + 100 = 275

To find the average age of all the club members, we divide this sum by the total number of members (5 males + 4 females = 9 members):

275 / 9 ≈ 30.56

So, the average age of all the club members is approximately 30.56. And remember, age is just a number – what truly matters is how young at heart we feel! 😄

To find the average age of all the club members, we need to first calculate the proportion of male and female members in the club.

Let's assume there are 100 members in the club.

Given that 20% of the members are male, we can calculate the number of male members:

Number of male members = (20/100) * 100 = 20

Similarly, the number of female members can be calculated as:

Number of female members = 100 - 20 = 80

Now, we can calculate the total age of all the male members:

Total age of male members = Number of male members * Average age of male members
= 20 * 35 = 700

Similarly, the total age of all the female members can be calculated as:

Total age of female members = Number of female members * Average age of female members
= 80 * 25 = 2000

To find the average age of all the club members, we divide the total age of all the members by the total number of members:

Average age of all club members = (Total age of male members + Total age of female members) / Total number of members

= (700 + 2000) / 100

= 2700 / 100

= 27

Therefore, the average age of all the club members is 27 years.

To find the average age of all the club members, we need to consider the proportion of male and female members.

Step 1: Determine the proportion of female members
Since it is given that 20% of the members are male, we know that the remaining 80% must be female.

Step 2: Calculate the average age contribution of male members
The average age of male members is given as 35.

Step 3: Calculate the average age contribution of female members
The average age of female members is given as 25.

Step 4: Calculate the average age of all the club members
Using the average age contributions calculated above, multiply the proportion by the respective average age and then sum them up:

Average Age = (Proportion of Male Members * Average Age of Male Members) + (Proportion of Female Members * Average Age of Female Members)

Average Age = (0.20 * 35) + (0.80 * 25)

Average Age = 7 + 20

Average Age = 27

Therefore, the average age of all the club members is 27.