Both Sam and Sylvia work at abookstore. During a sale, Sam sold 15 percent more books than Sylvia. If Sam sold 69 books, how many books dis Sylvia sell?

Give it a try. You have two numbers to work with: 0.15 and 69. What do you need to do with these two numbers to get an answer that's less than 69?

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To determine how many books Sylvia sold, we need to find the number of books Sam sold. Given that Sam sold 15 percent more books than Sylvia, we can set up the equation:

Sam's books = Sylvia's books + 15% of Sylvia's books

We are also given that Sam sold 69 books, so we can substitute this value into the equation:

69 = Sylvia's books + 15% of Sylvia's books

To simplify the equation, let's convert 15% to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

69 = Sylvia's books + 0.15 * Sylvia's books

Combining the like terms, we get:

69 = Sylvia's books * (1 + 0.15)

Simplifying further:

69 = Sylvia's books * 1.15

To isolate Sylvia's books, divide both sides of the equation by 1.15:

Sylvia's books = 69 ÷ 1.15

Using a calculator, we can determine that Sylvia sold approximately 60 books. Therefore, Sylvia sold 60 books.