Island area initial extinction

A 850,000 175 25
B 300,000 140 35
C 90,000 80 50

According to the data in the chart, the ________ has the greatest impact on species loss.

A. original number of species
B. distance from the mainland
C. area of the island
D. climate

I will be happy to critique your thinking.


thank you

C not A...

To determine the factor that has the greatest impact on species loss based on the given data, we need to analyze the information provided for each factor.

The chart provides data for three factors: area of the island, initial number of species, and extinction rate. We need to analyze the relationship between these factors and species loss.

Looking at the data, we can see that Island C has the smallest area (90,000), the lowest initial number of species (80), and the highest extinction rate (50). Island A has the largest area (850,000), the highest initial number of species (175), and the lowest extinction rate (25). Island B lies between the other two islands in terms of area, initial number of species, and extinction rate.

From this analysis, we can conclude that the factor with the greatest impact on species loss is the extinction rate. Island C, which has the highest extinction rate, has the highest number of species lost compared to the other islands.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D. climate.


Climate plays a crucial role in determining the number of species that can survive on an island. Certain climate conditions may be more favorable for supporting a diverse range of species, while others may limit the range of species that can survive. Factors such as temperature, rainfall, and other environmental conditions can directly influence the availability of resources and suitable habitats for species.

To gather more information about the impact of climate on species loss, you can consult scientific studies and research that investigate the relationship between climate change and species extinction. Analyzing these studies will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of climate in the loss of species.