jim ate 1-4 of a pie and helen ate 1/8.

how much pie was eaten altogether?
how much pies was left?

thursday august 20.2009



♥there are 3/8 pies left and 5/8 pies altogether...

1/4 = 2/8

2/8 + 1/8 = 3/8

1 - 3/8 = 5/8

To find out how much pie was eaten altogether, we need to add up the amount of pie Jim and Helen ate.

Jim ate 1-4 of a pie, which is the same as 1/4 of a pie.

Helen ate 1/8 of a pie.

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 4 and 8 is 8, so we can rewrite both fractions with a denominator of 8:

1/4 = 2/8
1/8 = 1/8

Now, we can add the fractions together:

2/8 + 1/8 = 3/8

Therefore, Jim and Helen together ate 3/8 of a pie.

To find out how much pie was left, we need to subtract the amount of pie eaten from the total amount.

Since Jim and Helen together ate 3/8 of a pie, the amount left must be:

1 - 3/8 = 8/8 - 3/8 = 5/8

Therefore, there are 5/8 of a pie left.