it can pass through doors it can travel great distances even the world but all the time,it stays in a corner

A Stamp?

Good answer. Might throw them for a loop and say a return address sticker.

The answer to this riddle is "a stamp." A stamp can pass through doors when it is used on an envelope or a package. It can also travel great distances, even around the world when it is used for international mail. However, throughout all of this, a stamp always stays in the corner of an envelope or a postcard until it reaches its destination.

To find the answer to this riddle, you need to analyze the clues given. The main clues are: it can pass through doors, it can travel great distances (even the world), and it stays in a corner all the time. By considering these clues, you can narrow down the possibilities. In this case, a stamp fits all the given criteria, which makes it the correct answer to the riddle.