simplify radical

a little 3 in front of sqrt-27

is it -3

You probsbly want the cube root of -27.

which is -3. There is no square root involved in this question. A little 3 in front of a radical sign means "cube root of".

ok thanks

To simplify the cube root of -27, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the prime factorization of the number inside the radical. In this case, the number is -27, which can be written as -1 * 3 * 3 * 3.

Step 2: Group the factors into groups of three.

-1 * (3 * 3) * 3

Step 3: Take out one factor from each group and bring it outside the radical.

-1 * 3 * sqrt(3)

This means that the simplified cube root of -27 is -3 * sqrt(3).
So, the answer is -3.