Find the indicated outputs for f(x) = 2x²-4x

f(0)= ____?
f(-1) =____?
f(2) =____?

f(0) = 2(0)^2 - 4(0)

= 0*0
= 0

f(-1) = 2(-1)^2 - 4(-1)
= 2(1) + 4
= 2 + 4
= 6

now you try f(2) the same way.


I'm still lost
i only got so far.
=2(2) from their on i'm lost please help

To find the indicated outputs for the given function f(x) = 2x² - 4x, we need to substitute the given values of x into the function and evaluate it.

For f(0), we substitute x = 0 into the function:
f(0) = 2(0)² - 4(0)
= 0 - 0
= 0

So, f(0) = 0.

For f(-1), we substitute x = -1 into the function:
f(-1) = 2(-1)² - 4(-1)
= 2(1) + 4
= 2 + 4
= 6

So, f(-1) = 6.

For f(2), we substitute x = 2 into the function:
f(2) = 2(2)² - 4(2)
= 2(4) - 8
= 8 - 8
= 0

So, f(2) = 0.

Therefore, the indicated outputs for f(x) = 2x² - 4x are:
f(0) = 0
f(-1) = 6
f(2) = 0.