Using the information presented in the table in Exercise , calculate the following probabilities?

Blood Alcohol Level of Victim
Age 0.00% 0.01-0.09% ¡Ý0.10%
D 0-19 142 7 6 155
E 20-39 47 8 41 96
F 40-59 29 8 77 114
G 60 or over 47 7 35 89
265 30 159 454+

a. P(A or D)
b. P(B or F)
c. P(C or G)
d. P(B or C or G)

To calculate the probabilities, we need to use the counts provided in the table.

a. P(A or D)
To calculate P(A or D), we need to find the sum of the counts for A and D, and divide it by the total count.
Count(A or D) = Count(A) + Count(D) = 142 + 155 = 297
Total Count = 265 + 30 + 159 + 454 = 908
P(A or D) = Count(A or D) / Total Count = 297 / 908 ≈ 0.327

b. P(B or F)
To calculate P(B or F), we need to find the sum of the counts for B and F, and divide it by the total count.
Count(B or F) = Count(B) + Count(F) = 30 + 114 = 144
P(B or F) = Count(B or F) / Total Count = 144 / 908 ≈ 0.159

c. P(C or G)
To calculate P(C or G), we need to find the sum of the counts for C and G, and divide it by the total count.
Count(C or G) = Count(C) + Count(G) = 159 + 89 = 248
P(C or G) = Count(C or G) / Total Count = 248 / 908 ≈ 0.273

d. P(B or C or G)
To calculate P(B or C or G), we need to find the sum of the counts for B, C, and G, and divide it by the total count.
Count(B or C or G) = Count(B) + Count(C) + Count(G) = 30 + 159 + 89 = 278
P(B or C or G) = Count(B or C or G) / Total Count = 278 / 908 ≈ 0.306

So, the probabilities are:
a. P(A or D) ≈ 0.327
b. P(B or F) ≈ 0.159
c. P(C or G) ≈ 0.273
d. P(B or C or G) ≈ 0.306