Can someone please help me make a biography of a person about there old high school?

Ok I'm interviewing a person about his life at his old high school.

I've split it into 4 steps.


Introduction: It should be a life story of the subject. What should I say besides the dates, he was at the College and why I chose to interview him.

Transcript: These are just questions I ask the subject. Any ideas?

Conclusion: What do think I'll learn by interviewing a person about his old college?

Thank you hope you can help

Of course, I can help you with that! Here's a breakdown of each step and some suggestions for what you can include:

1. Introduction:
- Start by introducing the purpose of the biography and why you chose to interview this person. For example, you could mention their significant role in their old high school or any notable achievements they had during that time.
- Provide a brief background on the person, including their name, age, and any relevant details about their life outside of high school (e.g., their profession or hobbies).

2. Transcript:
- Prepare a list of questions that will help you gather information about their time in high school.
- Here are some sample questions you could ask:
a) What were your favorite subjects in high school and why?
b) Were you involved in any extracurricular activities or clubs? If so, can you tell me about your experiences?
c) Did you have any memorable teachers or mentors? How did they impact your life?
d) Did you face any challenges during your time in high school? How did you overcome them?
e) How did high school shape your personal and academic development?

Feel free to tailor the questions based on the specific interests and experiences of the person you're interviewing. Additionally, encourage them to provide anecdotes or share specific examples to make their experience come to life.

3. Conclusion:
- The purpose of interviewing someone about their old high school is to gain insights into how their time there influenced their life.
- Throughout the interview, you may discover various aspects such as the person's personal growth, interests, values, and skills that were developed during high school.
- The conclusion should summarize the key takeaways from the transcript and highlight any significant revelations or interesting anecdotes shared by the interviewee.

Remember to keep the tone conversational and engage with the interviewee to extract valuable information from their personal experiences. Good luck with the interview and creating the biography!