28. Science and medicine. A computer can execute 36 instructions per microsecond.

How many instructions can it execute in 4 min?

Convert 4 minutes into microseconds, then multiply that number by 36,000.

There are 1,000,000 microseconds in 1 second.

To find the number of instructions a computer can execute in 4 minutes, we first need to determine the number of microseconds in 4 minutes.

1 minute = 60 seconds
1 second = 1,000,000 microseconds (since there are 1 million microseconds in a second)

So, 4 minutes = 4 x 60 seconds = 240 seconds = 240 x 1,000,000 microseconds = 240,000,000 microseconds.

Now that we know the duration in microseconds, we can calculate the number of instructions the computer can execute in that time.

The computer can execute 36 instructions per microsecond, so to find the total number of instructions, we multiply this rate by the duration in microseconds:

Total instructions = 36 instructions/microsecond x 240,000,000 microseconds.

Calculating this:

Total instructions = 8,640,000,000 instructions.

Therefore, the computer can execute 8,640,000,000 instructions in 4 minutes.