.04x + 720 - .06x > = 650

-.02x <= -70
x < = -70/-.02
x < = 3500

Or do the sign go the other way like this?

.04x + 720 - .06x > = 650
-.02x > = -70
x > = -70/-.02
x > = 3500

Which would be the solution to solve this inequality?

.04 x + .06(12000-x) >= 650

see my final reply to


Why is is greater than or = to? I got the answer as being < or = 3500? Can you please explain? Thanks!

Yes, I had agreed that you were right,

and changed it to ≤

here is the corrected version

.04x + 720 - .06x ≥ 650
-.02x ≥ -70
x ≥ -70/-.02
x ≤ 3500

So basically the > = stay the same for the first 2 lines and change to < = for the last? How does that work?

Ok, I will illustrate with an example


8 > 5 -----> True
if we add any number or subtract any number the statement is still true

8+6 > 5+6 ---> True

let's multiply by a positive number

8(4) > 5(4) -----> still True !

how about dividing by a positive

8/2 > 5/2 ??? Yes, still True

how about multiplying by a negative

8(-3) > 5(-3) or
-24 > -15 BUT THAT IS FALSE !!!
how do we make it true? We reverse the sign
-24 < -15 , now it's Truee

same thing for division by a negative.

So, in summary,
you can add/subtract any value just like for equations and the inequality sign stays the same.
Same is true for multiplying/dividing by a positive number.
BUT, when you multiply or divide by a negative number in an inequality, you have to reverse the inequality sign at that step. Usually this will be your last step.

Thank you! This is a great review of this topic! Thanks again!

To solve the inequality .04x + 720 - .06x ≥ 650, you can follow these steps:

1. Simplify the expression: .04x + 720 - .06x can be simplified to .04x - .06x + 720.

2. Combine the like terms: The like terms are the x terms, so .04x - .06x can be simplified to .02x.

Now the inequality becomes .02x + 720 ≥ 650.

3. Subtract 720 from both sides of the inequality: .02x + 720 - 720 ≥ 650 - 720.

This simplifies to .02x ≥ -70.

4. Divide both sides of the inequality by .02: .02x/.02 ≥ -70/.02.

This simplifies to x ≥ -70/-.02.

5. Calculate the division: -70/-.02 equals 3500.

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≥ 3500.

In summary, the solution to the inequality .04x + 720 - .06x ≥ 650 is x ≥ 3500.