Please solve the inequality

.04 x + .06(12000-x) >= 650

.04x + 720 - .06x ¡Ý 650
-.02x ¡Ý -70
x ¡Ý -70/-.02
x ¡Ý 3500

I think this is wrong and what is below is correct? Which is right? Thanks!

.04x + 720 - .06x ¡Ý 650
-.02x ¡Ü -70
x ¡Ü -70/-.02
x ¡Ü 3500

.04x + 720 - .06x ¡Ý 650

-.02x <= -70
x < = -70/-.02
x < = 3500

Or do the sign go the other way like this?

.04x + 720 - .06x ¡Ý 650
-.02x > = -70
x > = -70/-.02
x > = 3500

Which would be the solution to solve this inequality?

.04 x + .06(12000-x) >= 650

see my final reply to

To solve the inequality

0.04x + 0.06(12000-x) >= 650,

let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Distribute 0.06 to (12000-x):

0.04x + 720 - 0.06x >= 650.

Step 2: Combine like terms:

(0.04x - 0.06x) + 720 >= 650.

Step 3: Simplify:

-0.02x + 720 >= 650.

Step 4: Move 720 to the right side of the inequality:

-0.02x >= 650 - 720.

Step 5: Simplify:

-0.02x >= -70.

Step 6: Divide both sides by -0.02. It is important to note that we have to change the direction of the inequality whenever we divide by a negative number:

(-0.02x)/-0.02 <= (-70)/-0.02.

Simplifying further:

x <= 3500.

Therefore, the correct solution to the inequality is x <= 3500, not x >= 3500 as you initially suggested.