in which program does the default show you the hierarchy of drives, folders, and files in a split window

Windows Explorer (not to be confused with Internet Explorer!).

The program you are referring to is called File Explorer on Windows. It displays the hierarchy of drives, folders, and files in a split window. Here's how you can open File Explorer and view the folder structure:

1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard or click on the Start button at the bottom left corner of the screen.
2. Type "File Explorer" in the search bar. As you type, you should see "File Explorer" appear in the search results.
3. Click on "File Explorer" to open the program.

Once File Explorer is open, you will see a split window interface. On the left side, you will find a navigation pane that shows a list of drives and folders. This hierarchical view allows you to browse through different levels of the file system. You can click on the arrow icons next to the drives and folders to expand or collapse them and reveal or hide their contents.

On the right side of the window, you will see the contents of the currently selected drive or folder. This area displays the files and subfolders within the selected directory.

You can also customize the appearance and behavior of File Explorer by utilizing the various options and settings available.