how efficient were words alone in expressing ideas

communication in using email or share information

The more similar the backgrounds of the writer and reader, the more likely that they will interpret words in the same way — and the more likely that words alone will be more effective. The most basic similarity is that they both speak the same language.

The writer needs to make sure that s/he is saying what s/he wants to say. For example, is "were" in your question a typo, or do you really mean to use the past tense?

The reason I speak solely about writing is that oral communication (speaking and listening) — even on a telephone — involves variations in volume, tone and rate of speaking that influence the meaning of the words used.

One test of the understanding of what was said is to have the reader respond in their own words to indicate their understanding of what was said (feedback). Asking "Do you understand?" will almost always get and affirmative response ("Yes"), whether the reader understands or not.

These articles might help you understand a little more:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Words alone can be quite efficient in expressing ideas, as language is a powerful tool for communication. However, the effectiveness of words in conveying ideas depends on various factors:

1. Vocabulary: The richness and breadth of a person's vocabulary greatly impact their ability to express ideas. A more extensive vocabulary allows for a greater range of words to choose from, enabling more precise and nuanced communication.

2. Clarity of Expression: The skill of expressing ideas clearly and coherently is important. The use of well-constructed sentences, proper grammar, and logical organization of thoughts aids in effective communication.

3. Context and Shared Knowledge: Words derive meaning within a particular cultural and social context. Shared knowledge and understanding between the speaker and the listener play a significant role in the efficiency of words as a means of expression. If both parties share relevant knowledge and context, ideas can be conveyed more efficiently.

4. Nonverbal Communication: While words are essential, nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice can enhance or modify the meaning behind words. These nonverbal cues provide additional layers of information and help to convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions.

In summary, while words alone can be efficient in expressing ideas, factors like vocabulary, clarity of expression, shared knowledge, and nonverbal communication can significantly impact their effectiveness. It is important to consider these factors to ensure effective communication.