What part of the scientific method is this step? The choices are identifies a problem, gather info, state a hypothesis, experiment, observe & record data, or conclusion.

Here is the step:
Dan timed the eclipse in minutes and seconds. He wanted to see if the newspaper prediction of the eclipse was correct.

If he is timing the eclipse, he is observing the time the eclipse lasts - observing and recording data.

Based on the information given, the step described is "experiment." Dan conducted an experiment by timing the eclipse and comparing the results to the prediction made in the newspaper.

Based on the provided information, the step described falls under the "observe & record data" stage of the scientific method. This is because Dan measured and recorded the duration of the eclipse in minutes and seconds to compare it with the prediction from the newspaper.

observe and record data.

Your steps are at variance with commonly accepted states. What you are really missing are two steps 1) analysis (between observe and conclusion), and 2) retest hypothesis (after conclusion). The entire scientific method is based on the idea that the hypothesis can be repeatedly tested over time by others, confirming the original results.