Sensory was intact to light touch and proprioception, as well as pinprick.

as well as = conjunction
intact = preposistion

Look at the lists of words posted earlier. Then repost -- no guessing!

I apologize for the confusion, but it seems there might be a misunderstanding.

The statement you provided does not include the words "as well as." Instead, it describes the sensory being intact to light touch, proprioception, and pinprick.

In this context, "intact" is not a preposition, but an adjective that means unaffected or complete. It implies that the individual's sensory abilities, such as perception of light touch, proprioception (the sense of body position and movement), and pinprick sensation, are functioning normally.

If there is any specific question or clarification you'd like information about related to this statement, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help.