waht are some setbacks that stop u from achieving goals?

I have decided my degree wasn't what i wanted, not finding a job in my degree, and not passing all my classes?

Those certainly sound like setbacks.

Assuming that is an essay prompt, it may help to elaborate by specifying the goal(s) those setbacks have affected.

You have to decide what you want. Decide what you like (and dislike), are good at (and not good at). Work toward a career in something you like, and are good at.

Now a comment. I have watched your questions for sometime. Very often, you have great difficulty getting meaning from written words. I strongly suspect this has been going on for a long time. So don't head for a career that makes you do things with written words.
Sound off your friends, and those who know you: what are you good at, and what do you like. An oriental religion is based on "Know thyself". And then Western religions add "to thyself be true.".

Do some soul searching, lean on your friends to be honest.

Scooby, sometimes "setbacks" are blessings. I quit a PhD program because I was not learning anything, and was not having fun. It turned out, I started to have fun again, and was damn good at what I was doing, and I grew much more than I had in years. So blessings often jump into our laps, when least expected.

Scooby, Bobpursley is right. Go for the career that makes you excited about getting up in the morning. It doesn't have to be the "popular" career of the moment. It doesn't have to be the career that will make you an instant fortune. It doesn't have to be the job your parents want to to have. I wanted to be a lawyer, but when I was young, women were not admitted to law school. I love words and performance art.... so I became a teacher, I had a "captive audience" <G> and I found I loved MOST of all the moments of every day . I didn't make much money but I looked forward to getting up in the morning. When choosing a career, that is what matters.

Some setbacks that can prevent you from achieving your goals can include:

1. Lack of Clarity: If you are unsure about what you truly want and don't have clear goals in mind, it can be challenging to make progress.

To overcome this, take some time to reflect on your interests, values, and strengths. Identify what you truly want to achieve so that you can set specific and measurable goals.

2. Lack of Motivation: Sometimes, it can be difficult to stay motivated, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks along the way.

To combat this, remind yourself of the reasons why you set those goals in the first place. Break your goals down into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way to stay motivated.

3. Negative Mindset: Having a negative mindset can hinder progress. Thoughts such as self-doubt, fear of failure, or a lack of self-belief can prevent you from taking action or making necessary changes.

Challenge negative thoughts by replacing them with positive and empowering ones. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that setbacks are a normal part of the journey towards success.

4. Lack of Resources: Not having access to the necessary resources, such as time, money, or support, can impede your progress.

To address this, identify what resources you currently have and determine what additional resources you may need. Seek support from friends, family, or mentors who can provide guidance or offer assistance. Consider exploring alternative ways to acquire the resources you need, such as scholarships, grants, or part-time work.

5. Procrastination: Procrastination can lead to wasted time and missed opportunities. It is essential to manage your time effectively and prioritize your tasks.

Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps and create a schedule or to-do list to help you stay organized. Set deadlines for each task to hold yourself accountable and create a sense of urgency.

Remember, setbacks are a part of the journey towards achieving goals. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning, and don't be afraid to reassess and modify your goals along the way.