As an advocate of sociocultural theory, you would be most interested in the

a. interplay of genetic inheritance and environment.
b. impact of being African American on your learning abilities
c. role of the unconscious in learning.
d. role of consciousness in child development

I picked "A"

I disagree.

What is sociocultural theory?

I looked it up sociocultural theory and still confused. What's your answer, Ms, Sue?

Please tell me the definition you found for sociocultural theory. Then I'll try to help you understand it.

Please look once more at a very short definition of the term:

of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors

Look at the choices again, for you must combine both social and cultural.


I believe it is "D" Is that right?


Evidentally you've chosen not to post your definition of sociocultural theory, and you have ignored Sra's definition.

I won't respond again to this thread until you post your definition of sociocultural theory.

Answer is B

yes the answer is B

As an advocate of sociocultural theory, you would indeed be most interested in the interplay of genetic inheritance and environment. Sociocultural theory, developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes the importance of the socio-cultural context in which learning and development take place. According to this theory, individuals acquire knowledge and skills through their interactions with others and their cultural environment.

To arrive at this answer, you may have considered the options and chosen "A" because it relates directly to the interplay between genetics and environment, which aligns with the central ideas of sociocultural theory. By understanding both the contributions of genetic inheritance and the influence of the environment, including cultural factors, sociocultural theory seeks to explain how individuals learn and develop within a social and cultural context.