If you go through a period of serious soul searching, Erik Erikson would say you're

Are these your choices?

a engaged in an identity crisis
b lacking love
c searching for self in others
d developing a mental disorder

What do you think?

Ms. Sue,

I wonder if the answer would be "A" engaged in an identity crisis. It just sounds right! Am I correct?

If you go through a period of serious soul searching, Erik Erikson, a renowned developmental psychologist, would say you're experiencing a stage of psychosocial development called "identity versus role confusion." Erikson proposed a theory of psychosocial development, which suggests that individuals go through eight stages of development throughout their lifespan. Each stage represents a unique psychological and social challenge that individuals must successfully navigate to develop a healthy sense of self and progress to the next stage.

The stage of identity versus role confusion occurs during adolescence, typically between the ages of 12 to 18 years old. It is a pivotal stage where individuals explore and form their personal identity, including their values, beliefs, and life goals. During this time, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, questioning their own identity and trying to understand their role in society.

To find out more about Erik Erikson's theory and how it applies to your question, you can start by researching the concept of psychosocial development and specifically focus on Erikson's stages of development. Erikson's book "Identity: Youth and Crisis" could serve as a valuable resource, as it delves deeper into the identity versus role confusion stage and its implications.

Additionally, seeking out scholarly articles, psychology textbooks, or online resources that discuss Erikson's work and its application to soul searching and adolescent development can provide further insight and understanding. Exploring these resources will enhance your knowledge and allow you to grasp the significance of Erikson's theory on identity formation during periods of soul searching.