Which of the following events did not take place?

a. Teiresias blames Creon for causing his birds to behave strangely
b. After Creon fails to save Antigone, he buries Polyneices
c. In the Paen, the Chorus implores Dionysos to head Thebes
d. The messenger announces Haimon's suicide


(i have no idea what writeacher was saying earlier)
please just tell me what the right answer is (D?)

Or -- check this post in which Writeacher confirmed your answer.


The correct answer is B. After Creon fails to save Antigone, he does not bury Polyneices.

To determine which of the following events did not take place, let's analyze each option:

a. Teiresias blaming Creon for causing his birds to behave strangely - This event does take place in the play, "Antigone" by Sophocles. Teiresias does blame Creon for his birds' unusual behavior, indicating it as a sign of the gods' disapproval.

b. After Creon fails to save Antigone, he buries Polyneices - This event also takes place in the play. After failing to save Antigone, Creon finally realizes his mistake and decides to bury Polyneices, realizing that his initial decision to leave him unburied was wrong.

c. In the Paean, the Chorus implores Dionysos to head Thebes - This event is also part of the play. The Chorus does implore Dionysos, the god, to come to Thebes and bring salvation to the city.

d. The messenger announces Haimon's suicide - This event does not take place in the play. Haimon, Creon's son, does commit suicide, but the messenger does not announce it. Instead, his death is discovered by Eurydice, Creon's wife.

Based on this analysis, the event that did not take place is d. The messenger does not announce Haimon's suicide. So, the correct answer is d.

Read the play! Better still, rent the DVD. Watch the play.