How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today? Explain your answer. (Schaefer, 2006, p. 207)

This is how I answered this Question. I hope it is helpful to someone:

Slavery and its legacy have had a lasting impression on both whites and blacks of this country. I believe that the racism that exists in this nation is different than any other nation because of this fact. I have witnessed racism elsewhere, in Britain and in the Bahamas. In Britain racism was born out of resentment because so many former colonial nations citizens came to the country looking for work in the late 50’s and early 60’s. In the Bahamas racism I believe is a copycat type due to media influence. In both Britain and the Bahamas, there is little real resentment of other races. Once a Brit or Bahamian gets to know an individual the influence of race usually disappears. I have witnessed this many times.
In the United States it is profoundly different. I don’t want to generalize too much here, as my comments do not in any way wish to offend anyone, this is just my own personal observations. What I have witnessed, especially in the South, is that whites have an innate belief that they are superior to blacks. In turn the majority of blacks do not excel as much as they have the potential to. This is either because they have bought into this white belief that they are inferior or they feel that it does not matter what they think, whites will not ever accept them as equal.
This is a direct result of the de-humanization of blacks that occurred through slavery. Like I have said, I have lived in a predominantly white country and a predominantly black country and this superiority/inferiority complex does not exist anywhere else. Blacks and whites in this country may tolerate each other but they do not consider themselves equal.

To fully understand the influence of slavery on the evolution of both Black and White America today, one must examine the historical context and various factors that have shaped the social, economic, and political landscapes.

1. Economic Impact: Slavery played a pivotal role in shaping America's economy, laying the foundation for wealth accumulation and economic disparities that still persist today. Enslaved Black people provided free labor, contributing significantly to the growth of industries such as agriculture and manufacturing. This allowed White Americans to build wealth and establish themselves in positions of power, creating an enduring economic advantage for White communities.

2. Social and Cultural Impact: Slavery also had significant social and cultural consequences. The dehumanization of enslaved Black individuals created a racial hierarchy and perpetuated the notion of White supremacy. This entrenched system of racial inequality fostered discriminatory customs, attitudes, and institutions that continue to affect both Black and White Americans. White Americans benefited from systemic advantages and privileges, while Black Americans faced ongoing marginalization and oppression.

3. Political Impact: The legacy of slavery has had a lasting impact on the political landscape of America. The fight for civil rights and equality continues to be a major struggle for Black Americans, as they seek to overcome the deeply ingrained racism and systemic barriers rooted in slavery. Policies and practices, such as voting restrictions, discriminatory legislation, and unequal representation, have disenfranchised and marginalized Black communities, further perpetuating racial disparities.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of slavery's influence on the evolution of both Black and White America today, it is essential to consult scholarly sources. One such source is the book "Racial and Ethnic Groups" by Richard T. Schaefer (2006, p. 207), which provides an in-depth analysis of the historical and sociological impacts of slavery on American society.

By examining scholarly works, analyzing historical documents, and engaging in critical discussions, we can better comprehend the multifaceted influence of slavery on shaping the present-day dynamics between Black and White Americans. It is crucial to continue researching and learning about this complex topic to foster greater understanding, empathy, and progress towards racial equality and justice.