How do I list multiple titles on a title page for an APA paper?

For a final, there are 3 separate topics that will be covered, all broadly related, but not enough for a single title. Instructions were to include a single title would these be listed according to APA style guide? Should they be listed with a line between them?

This should have all the information you need,

From what you have said, the paper could be titled, "Three Topics in...", "Three Topics Concerning..." or some similar title.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To list multiple titles on a title page for an APA paper, you can follow these guidelines:

1. Start with your paper's primary title: Begin by typing the primary title of your paper at the very top of the title page. Center your title and use title case capitalization (capitalize the first letter of each major word in the title, excluding articles, prepositions, and conjunctions).

2. Separate the primary title from secondary titles: After typing the primary title, leave a double-spaced blank line and then type any secondary titles. These secondary titles should be centered and placed on separate lines.

3. Use a consistent formatting style for secondary titles: APA does not specify a specific formatting style for secondary titles, so you have some flexibility. You can choose to use the same title case capitalization as the primary title or use sentence case capitalization (capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns). Whichever style you choose, make sure to apply it consistently to all secondary titles.

4. Separate the secondary titles with a double-spaced blank line: If you have more than one secondary title, separate each title from the others with a double-spaced blank line. This helps to visually distinguish between the different titles.

5. Add any necessary footnotes: If there are any footnotes related to the titles, such as clarifications or acknowledgments, you can include them as superscript numbers immediately following the relevant title. Then, at the bottom of the page, include the corresponding footnote with the necessary information.

Remember that despite having multiple titles, the overall title page should still reflect a cohesive and succinct representation of your paper's content. Ensure that the titles are clear, concise, and accurately represent the main themes of each section.

Additionally, always check with your instructor or the specific APA style guide you are using for any additional requirements or variations that may be specific to your institution or field of study.