can someone please help me find this political cartoon i'm looking for,

it's about women's rights.
it has ARE NOT THE WOMEN HALF THE NATION? written on the bottom


there are two women and one man in the cartoon
please help me find it on the internet, thanks

I don't have time to look for you, but there are tons of them here:

(Broken Link Removed)


i didn't find the one i'm looking for

Civil Rights Practice : Use the cartoon to answer the question, 1 . A 2 .C 3 . A ,B ,D 4 . Part, A .C , Part, B,B 5 .A 6 .A 7 .A , B , C 8 .B ,C 9 .B ,C 10 .C 11 .A 12 .B , C 13 .C

21/21 ( 100% ) Completed 2021.

Certainly! To help you find the political cartoon you're looking for, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for keywords from the cartoon, such as "women's rights political cartoon ARE NOT THE WOMEN HALF THE NATION?" This will help narrow down the search results.

2. Use a search engine like Google or Bing to begin your search. Enter the keywords in the search bar and hit enter.

3. Browse through the search results, paying attention to image results, news articles, and websites that may feature political cartoons.

4. When searching through the image results, look for thumbnails or descriptions that match your description of the cartoon, including the text at the top and bottom.

5. Click on any potential matches to view the full-sized image and verify if it matches the cartoon you're looking for.

6. If you don't find the cartoon directly, try using variations of the keywords or refining your search by adding additional details, such as the name of the cartoonist or the year it was published.

7. Additionally, consider using dedicated cartoon databases or political cartoon websites, which often have extensive archives that can be searched by topic or date.

By following these steps and conducting a thorough search using the provided keywords, you should be able to find the political cartoon you are looking for.